Grading Policy

Assignments & Grades

  • Project 1: Bighorn Basin

    Project 2: Bighorn Basin

    Project 3: Bighorn Basin

    Project 4: Bighorn Basin

    Project 5: Elk Basin

    Project 6: Yellowstone/Tetons NP

    Project 7: Cedar City

    Project 8: Cedar City

    Project 9: Cedar City

    Project 10: Moab

    Safety, Attitude, Participation

    Field notebook

  • Grades are based on assignments given throughout the field course according to the guidelines established in handouts (Neatness, Labeling, Structure, Geology, etc.). Specific point assignments will be explained prior to each assignment. The total value of each assignment is shown in the syllabus.

    Final Letter grades will be assigned according to the total % earned by the student as shown below:

    F < 60 < D < 70 < C < 80 < B < 90 < A < 100%

The following points will be evaluated during the map grading:

Students are encouraged to look at published Geologic Maps to get an idea of the kind of information and elements that are to be included

1. Neatness:

  • Clarity

  • Appearance, etc.

2. Title, Key, Legend

  • Usually at top of map: Title, Name, Partner, Date, etc - North Arrow w/ Mag. N (labeled and w/ exact angle of declination)

  • Usually at bottom of map: Scale (Bar type w/ units (km, m, mi or ft- not'], ratio can also be stated, (e.g., 1:24,000), contour interval

  • Key/Legend/Explanation

  • Contacts (dotted where concealed, dashed where inferred), Fault(s) (if present, U/D or stick & ball, arrows), S & D (if needed), fold(s) (if needed), roads, trails, streams (intermittent, etc.), contours, contour interval, any other standard natural or cultural features; Units w/ symbol , box (w/ color), description of major map units: in proper order (oldest on bottom, etc.), Age/time units (Eon, Era, Period, Epoch, Age) or time­ rocks units (Erathem, System, Series, Stage, etc.), and/or Rock Units (Supergroup, Group, Formation, Member, etc.), to the left of boxes & symbols

3. Structure

  • Fault(s) (type, extent, accuracy, etc.)

  • Fold(s) (type, plunge, extent, accuracy, etc.)

  • S & D/Horizontal; correct type, placement/location/distribution, extent, etc.

4. Geology

  • Units Contacts: completeness, accuracy

  • Units Description correctness: rock name(s), color, composition, texture, structures, feature(s)-bedding, layering, fractures, crossbeds, ripples, mudcracks, graded bedding, sorting, etc.; phenocrysts, groundmass, pumice (squashed= fiamme, eutaxitic), ash, pumice, fragments/glass/crystals/lithics, vesicles, amygdules, flow banding, etc.; foliation, porphyroblasts, relict features…

5. Cross Section

  • Topographic Profile accuracy, corr. w/ map; struct./faults/folds/w/dip

  • Geologic Units (w/ correct symbol, e.g. Qal); title, name, scale, V.E., etc.